Sponsors: alpinbau arcadia

31. August 2000: 3rd Meeting in Leipzig

In the beginning, each member reported the topical state of the preparations. Olaf and Lydia were in Alaska for 6 weeks, Markus in Peru for two months (see Anden expedition below).

Unfortunately, our permission is still missing, but we expect the definitive confirmation by the Pakistanian ministery of tourism soon.

We decide to organize a trekking tour on which everybody can participate. Markus makes the programm and is responsible for its preparation. More information is given under the new item "Trekking" on the left

The next training tour will be in the beginning of October. We plan a tour in the Austrian Alps. We will decide the exact location in dependence of topical weather and snow situation.

Anden Expedition of the Alpine Club Saxony

From 18.06. to 14.08., Markus participated on the Anden Expedition of the Alpine Club Saxony in Peru. Members were Dieter Rülker, Axel Jahn, Jan Lettke (all from Dresden) as well as Jörg Stingl (Chemnitz). At first, the team climbed in the Cordillera Blanca regionfor three weeks, where several ascents were successful:

Akklimatisation tour Nevado Urus Oeste (5420m)
Akklimatisation tour Nevado Ishinca (5530m)
Ranrapalca (6162m) Northern route - Simpsonroute (TD)
Tocllaraju (6032m) direct West wall/Northwest edge (D+/AD-)
Artesonraju (6025m) Southeast ascent(D)
Caraz I (6025m) Southeast ascent (PD+)

After acclimatisation, we turned to the Cordillera Raura region, where are some peeks are still virginous. In this regions we made some successful ascents:

Cerro Chacua Grande (5405m) direct south ascent (V+/65°)
Cerro Chacua Norte (5165m) route "American Sport Pollo" (6SL/IV+) 1st ascent
Cerro Rumi Cruz Sur (5360m) South flank/Eastern edge (III/55°) 2nd ascent
Cerro Jancacuta (4960m) North edge
complete passing of the Chacua chain (III+) with
   Cerro Chacua Norte (5165m)
   Cerro Chacua Central (5195m)
   Cerro Chacua Sur (5160m)
